Por que a crise continua

Por que a crise continua

The Financial Crisis and Recovery: Why so Slow?
Gerald P. Dwyer and James R. Lothian
September/October 2011


- Análise Do Fmi Sobre A Economia Dos Eua
O FMI divulgou ontem a sua análise sobre a economia dos EUA: "The U.S. economy continues to recover from its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, aided by supportive macroeconomic policies. Monetary policy remains highly accommodative,...

- Depressão
"Studying the experience of countries that have experienced great depressions during the twentieth century teaches us that massive public interventions in the economy to maintain employment and investment during a financial crisis can, if they distort...

- A Grande Depressão
Symposium on the Great Depression Staff: Amity Shlaes, Former Hayek Senior Fellow for Political Economy March 30, 2009 - New York, NY "History is an argument without end. That is why we love it so." These words come from the late scholar of the...

- A Grande Estagnação - "regime Uncertainty"
Regime Uncertainty: Some Clarifications Mises Daily:Monday, November 19, 2012 by Robert Higgs In a 1997 article in the Independent Review ("Regime Uncertainty: Why the Great Depression Lasted So Long and Why Prosperity Resumed After the War")...

- Política Monetária Americana
 Why did the Federal Reserve lend to banks and other financial institutions during the financial crisis?Intense strains in financial markets during the financial crisis severely disrupted the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses and led...

