Política econômica venezuelana

Política econômica venezuelana

The Market Monetarist sobre a política econômica de Hugo Chavez:

Hugo Chavez’s economic legacy – the two graph version

Today (March 5h) – on the 60 year anniversary of Stalin’s death – Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez passed away.
I think Chavez’s economic legacy can be pretty well-illustrated by two graphs comparing Venezuela’s economic performance from 1999 when Chavez became president with three ‘neo-liberal’ Latin American countries – Chile, Peru and Columbia.
We start out with the real GDP level (Index 1999 = 100)
And next the price level (GDP deflator, Index 1999 = 100)
LATAM inflation
I leave it to my readers to judge whether Hugo Chavez’s death is a positive or a negative shock to the the Venezuela’s economy.


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