Política de austeridade em Portugal

Política de austeridade em Portugal

Portugal and the euro -The uncertainty society

To escape from its troubles, Portugal will have to abandon many of the things that made them bearable

PORTUGAL seldom matters much. It is a source of mild national irritation that the country is often sliced off the map in continental weather forecasts. Unfortunately, Portugal’s present moment in the spotlight has come about for all the wrong reasons. Yields on ten-year sovereign debt touched 17% earlier this year, fixing Portugal as the next shoe to drop in the euro crisis...
But labour and capital were diverted into activities, such as law, construction, health and government, that are sheltered from foreign competition. The number of lawyers increased by 48% between 2000 and 2010. The public sector grew fast. “All these people went to study film-making and sociology and then got jobs with the government,” says Pedro Santa Clara of Lisbon’s Nova University. Productivity stagnated...
Living standards were sustained by public and private borrowing, helped by money from the European Union...
Having failed to reform in good times, Portugal must now remodel itself without the lubricant of spare cash for losers...


- Avaliação Da Standard & Poors Da Situação De Portugal
Em nota de 31 de Maio, a Standard & Poors refere relativamente à República Portuguesa que: "we believe that the [EU/IMF] program's implementation risks are significant. These stem from potential weakening in political suppor for the prgram,...

- Porque Descem Os Ratings Da República Portuguesa
Vale a pena ler as razões para a descida do rating da República Portuguesa apresentadas pela Standard & Poors (via Zerohedge) - os sublinhados são meus: • The concluding statement of the European Council meeting of March 24-25, 2011,...

- Citado No Riotimes
"... At a time when Brazil’s economy has slowed significantly there is little enthusiasm in government for broad wage hikes, especially for a public sector that many say is too large, and already enjoys significantly more benefits and job security than...

- Política De Estímulo Não Funciona
Portugal’s Finance Minister: We Tried Stimulus and It Didn’t Work by PETER EAVIS Defending austerity is not getting any easier for Europe’s politicians. And Vitor Gaspar, Portugal’s finance minister, has it harder than others. The country’s...

- As Lições Da Grande Recessão
Ótimo artigo de Raghuram Rajan, na Foreign Affairs: "In fact, today’s economic troubles are not simply the result of inadequate demand but the result, equally, of a distorted supply side. For decades before the financial crisis in 2008, advanced economies...

