Pobreza em América Latina

Pobreza em América Latina

Poverty and progress

THE ECONOMIST Poverty continues to fall in Latin America
THE United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) reckons that 31.4% of the region’s population was living below national poverty lines in 2010. This maintains a steady fall from a peak of 48.4% in 1990. Since 1999, most countries have made strides toward reducing poverty. Two things lie behind this progress. The biggest factor is the region’s strong economic performance: Latin America’s GDP expanded by 5.9% in 2010. This strong recovery meant that the 2008 recession in the region caused only a slight blip. Better-targeted social policies also help, especially cash-transfer schemes for the poor. But sustaining this progress will be hard. Extreme poverty, where income does not cover the need for basic food, is stuck at around 13%. (Several governments, including the Brazilian and Colombian, have unveiled initiatives aimed at the poorest.) Further falls in poverty and inequality will require greater efforts to raise productivity, to improve education and to shrink the informal economy.

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