Petrobras decepciona

Petrobras decepciona

Petrobras Worst Big Oil Bet on Deepwater Disappointments

Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4) is the worst investment among the world’s biggest oil companies this year as Brazil’s state-controlled producer suffers delays and cost overruns developing the largest oil finds in more than a decade...
Petrobras slashed its 2020 production target by 11 percent yesterday and said its developments, mainly offshore, will cost $141.8 billion, 11 percent more than planned...


- Custos Da Corrupção De Petrobras Estimado Em R$ 87 Bilhões
How Much Of Brazil's Economy Got Lost In Petrobras Scandal? A study out this week in Brazil estimates just how much the country lost to this ugly Petrobras oil scandal.  The price tag: R$87 billion ($27.1 billion) that is expected...

- A Queda Da Bovespa
Bovespa Plunge Flashes Warning Sign Brazilian Shares May Continue Tumbling By Leon LazaroffBrazil’s benchmark stock index, the biggest decliner among the world’s 20 largest markets yesterday, is the most oversold since just after September...

- Petrobras Quer Eliminar Dívidas Em Dez Anos
Petrobras Says Oil Revenue to Eliminate Need for New Debt After 10 Years By Peter Millard - Jul 25, 2011 7:29 PM GMT-0300Mon Jul 25 22:29:00 GMT 2011Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Brazil’s state-controlled oil producer,...

- O Retorno Do Dragão
O futuro da Bovespa decide a China. Mais cedo ou tarde a China vai provocar o collapso do real e da Bovespa: "... Foreign inflows to Brazil totaled $28.7-billion in 2009. In order to defend the US-dollar from spiraling lower, the BoB bought $24-billion...

- Petrobras
"...Petrobras is already the biggest company in Brazil, with a market value of more than $240 billion, and it is the government's largest single taxpayer. It employs some 52,000 workers, but the new oil find has kindled optimism that new jobs and...

