O uso da matematica na macroeconomia
In macro, most of the equations that went into the model seemed to just be assumed. In physics, each equation could be - and presumably
had been - tested and verified as holding more-or-less true in the real world. In macro, no one knew if real-world budget constraints really were the things we wrote down. Or the production function. No one knew if this "utility" we assumed people maximized corresponded to what people really maximize in real life. We just assumed a bunch of equations and wrote them down. Then we threw them all together, got some kind of answer or result, and compared the result to some subset of real-world stuff that we had decided we were going to "explain". Often, that comparison was desultory or token, as in the case of "moment matching".
In other words, the math was no longer real. It was all made up. You could no longer trust the textbook. When the textbook told you that "Households maximize the expected value of their discounted lifetime utility of consumption", that was not a Newton's Law that had been proven approximately true with centuries of physics experiments. It was not even a game theory solution concept that had been proven approximately sometimes true with decades of economics experiments. Instead, it was just some random thing that someone made up and wrote down because A) it was tractable to work with, and B) it sounded plausible enough so that most other economists who looked at it tended not to make too much of a fuss.
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