O mentiroso governo argentino

O mentiroso governo argentino

The Economist explica:
Lies and Argentine statistics Stalinist practices in Buenos Aires
MOST Argentines reacted with a shrug when their government began doctoring its consumer-price index in 2007. Cooking the books cost holders of the country’s inflation-linked bonds at least $2.3 billion last year. But anyone else who needed to know the true inflation rate simply turned to a clutch of private economists who drew on their own price surveys, data from provincial governments and other official statistics. They reckon that inflation is now running at about 25%. That is far above the 10% reported by INDEC, the government statistics agency, but less than the 30% wage increases public employees have received in recent years...
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Veja aqui o índice Big Mac da taxa de inflação. Vale notar que também no Brasil a taxa de inflação tipo Big Mac é maior que a taxa de inflação oficial:


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