O fim da pobreza

O fim da pobreza

The world’s next great leap forward

Towards the end of poverty

Nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years. The world should aim to do the same again



- Pobreza No Mundo
Dois importantes papers sobre a pobreza no mundo: Xavier Sala-i-Martin - The world distribution of income: falling poverty and ... convergence, period. Shahoua Chen e Martin Ravallion - Absolute poverty measures for the developing world 1981-2004....

- Pobreza No Mundo
Dois importantes papers sobre a pobreza no mundo: Xavier Sala-i-Martin - The world distribution of income: falling poverty and ... convergence, period. Shahoua Chen e Martin Ravallion - Absolute poverty measures for the developing world 1981-2004....

- Pobreza E Colonialismo
Africa: A Tragic Continent By Walter E. Williams October 28, 2014 Poverty is not a cause but a result of Africa’s problems. What African countries need the West cannot provide. They need personal liberty. That means a political system in which...

- Economia E Estatística Da Pobreza - O Caso De Canadá
/ POPOUT Social Issues 10 Things You Might Not Know About Poverty In Canada October 17, 2013 219 (Photo: Reuters) In 1993, the UN designated October 17 the International...

- Como Medir Pobreza - O Exemplo Da China
China's poverty line Life at the bottom of the middle kingdom This week China raised its rural poverty line to 2,300 yuan a year. It's about time. China's official definition of poverty has traditionally been quite miserly. In a 2008 paper...

