O desafio demográfico chinês

O desafio demográfico chinês

China's challenge 
China's challenge is similar to that faced by Japan in the 1990s, with one essential difference: China will grow old before it gets rich. With tens of millions of parents left to fend for themselves, the government set up a National Committee on Aging to try to devise a comprehensive strategy (CHGE7) to ensure their health and comfort.
A demografia faz que China vá se tornar velha antes de tornar-se rica.


- China No Caminho De Padrão Ouro
China continues to hoard gold en masse. In June, China imported 104.6 tonnes from Hong Kong. That would bring China's gold imports from Hong Kong to 1,160 tonnes since the beginning of this year. Officially, China reports its total gold holdings...

- China E O Livre Comércio
America vs China: “Free Trade Is Only for Friends,” Says Prof. D’Aveni By Bernice Napach China is the second biggest economy in the world and has been the engine for global growth. But now China is expected to grow at its slowest rate in...

- China - Fim Do Milagre?
China: For Many Expats, It's Not Worth It By Dexter Roberts “There is talk of the U.S. ‘falling off a financial cliff,’ but right now I think China is closer to the edge of that cliff, and that it’s also a steeper cliff than ours.”...

- China Na Encruzilhada
China The paradox of prosperity For China’s rise to continue, the country needs to move away from the model that has served it so well THE ECONOMIST: "... China’s bloody past has taught the Communist Party to fear chaos above all. But history’s...

- Exportações Para A China
CHINA is now the biggest export market for countries as far afield as Brazil (accounting for 12.5% of Brazilian exports in 2009), South Africa (10.3%) Japan (18.9%) and Australia (21.8%). Each surge or wobble in China's economy has a material impact...

