O desafio chinês para as empresas brasileiras

O desafio chinês para as empresas brasileiras

Can Brazilian firms survive
the Chinese challenge?
Effects of globalization on markets, strategies,
and performance
Syed H. Akhter
Marketing Department, Marquette University, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA, and
Paulo Fernando Pinto Barcellos
University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, Brazil
Global growth in business has been fueled by the expansionary policies of firms not only
from developed but also from emerging economies. Seeking resources, markets, and
efficiencies, these globally oriented firms from emerging economies such as Brazil, India,
and China, have diversified out of their domesticmarkets and expanded business into each
other’smarkets. The expansion of these firms into each other’s markets has created a new
form of competition, pitting emerging economies’ firms not only against multi-nationals
from developed economies but also against firms from other emerging economies.


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