Novo livro sobre Keynes

Novo livro sobre Keynes

Skidelsky Discusses Keynes, Banking, Financial Crisis: Audio
Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Robert Skidelsky, a Conservative member of the U.K. House of Lords and professor emeritus of political economy at Britain's Warwick University, talks with Bloomberg's Tom Keene about his new book ``Keynes: The Return of the Master,'' economic theory, mathematics, and banking policy and consolidation.


- The Keynes Comeback - 2009?
From The Economist: The Keynes comeback A trio of new books celebrate the man and declare victory for his ideas. Keynes: The Twentieth Century’s Most Influential Economist. By Peter Clarke.Bloomsbury; 224 pages; £16.99. To be published in America...

- Se Precisa Um Banco Central?
Rep. Ron Paul sponsored this Congressional lecture on "What Is the Fed's Future?", the final lecture in a three part series on the Federal Reserve System for Congressional staff. As a continuing educational tool this lecture was filmed and is provided...

- Debate Keynes Contra Hayek
Keynes v HayekLondon School of Economics LSE and BBC Radio 4 public debate Date: Tuesday 26 July 2011 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speakers: Professor George Selgin, Professor Lord Skidelsky, Duncan Weldon, Dr Jamie...

- Se Precisa Nova Teoria Econômica
Edmund Phelps, director of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize for economics, writes: "What theory can we use to get us out of the impending slump quickly and reliably? To use the “new classical”...

- Herança Maldita
Sobre o legado político das ideias de Keynes, de acordo com John Taylor: "Milton Friedman wrote a wonderful review essay on Keynes’ influence on economics and politics which touches on these issues and is still well worth reading. Friedman distinguished...

