

The Neuroeconomics Revolution



- Nobel De Economia 2012
Apesar da crise financeira recente, discordo de alguns sítios que dizem que o Nobel de Economia não poderia ser atribuído aos pesquisadores de finanças, pois tais modelos foram elaborados  num período anterior e distante da atual recessão....

- Economia é Ciência?
Is Economics a Science? NEW HAVEN – I am one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which makes me acutely aware of criticism of the prize by those who claim that economics – unlike chemistry, physics, or medicine,...

- Os Problemas De Medir Pobreza
Jomo Kwame Sundaram is Assistant Director General at the Economic and Social Development Department of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. PPP conversions have little significance for some countries, most notably China. Rather...

- O Fracasso Da Política De Estímulo
Why Stimulus has Failed Raghuram Rajan, Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business NEW DELHI – Two fundamental beliefs have driven economic policy around the world in recent years. The first is that the world suffers...

- O Futuro Das Ciências Econômicas
What future for economics? by Martin Wolf Yesterday, I moderated a panel on “The Future of Economics”. The panel included two Nobel laureates in economics – Peter Diamond of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Joe Stiglitz of Columbia....

