Moody's desce o rating de Portugal

Moody's desce o rating de Portugal

A agência de rating Moody's desceu o rating de Portugal de A1 para A3, mantendo o outlook negativo, justificando esta medida com base em quatro factores (informação obtida via Alphaville):

"1. Subdued growth prospects and productivity gains over the near to medium term until structural reforms, especially in the labor market and the justice system, begin to bear fruit;
2. Implementation risks for the government’s ambitious fiscal consolidation targets;
3. The government’s balance sheet may need to expand further in the event it has to provide financial support to the banking sector and government-related institutions (GRIs), which are currently unable to access capital markets; and
4. Challenging market conditions that have led to increases in the government’s financing costs, which, if sustained, will cause its debt affordability to weaken, particularly in the context of generally higher European interest rates. Accessing the European Financial Stability Facility may lead to a reduction in financing costs, but questions would remain as to when the government would be able to re-access the capital markets and on what terms." (meu sublinhado)

PS: Algo que me tem sinceramente surpreendido é o silêncio de (quase) todos os comentadores sobre as várias referências à situação do sistema financeiro português.


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