Mercado Imobiliário Norte Americano: Falhas de Mercado ou Falhas de Governo?

Mercado Imobiliário Norte Americano: Falhas de Mercado ou Falhas de Governo?

Para o economista Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr., o problema são falhas de governo:

"For all the talk of the failure of markets, what is actually working is markets. What failed were government policies of cheap credit and attempting to make housing affordable by stimulating demand. As amply demonstrated by Thomas Sowell in his new book, “The Housing Boom and Bust,” land-use restrictions and “smart growth” (read no-growth) policies are the culprit for the lack of affordable housing. Stimulating demand through cheap credit only fuels unsustainable price bubbles. The way to avoid a future housing bust is to stay away from demand-stimulating and supply-restricting housing policies. Meanwhile, keep letting markets work."


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