Marginais e Revolucionários

Marginais e Revolucionários

Sobre como crises econômicas e a blogosfera estão impulsionando heterodoxias econômicas, segundo a The Economist: (HT: Mauricio Felippi)

"Decades ago macroeconomics resembled an “intellectual witch’s brew”, according to Olivier Blanchard, chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. It contained “many ingredients, some of them exotic—many insights, but also a great deal of confusion”. Things then became more rigorous and refined: disagreements remained, but within set limits. Now, on the blogs, the economic conversation boils and bubbles again. That ferment is surely spreading into the academy—and in time some new quintessence will be brought forth, perhaps from materials now considered base."


- Sobre Olivier Blanchard
Life, however, takes unexpected turns. On Oct. 1, the same intellectually restless and charismatic Blanchard stepped down as the IMF’s top economist after seven tumultuous years that included the worst financial crisis in a generation, a global recession,...

- Entenda Bretton Woods
What was decided at the Bretton Woods summit Jun 30th 2014, 23:50 by Buttonwood ON JULY 1ST 1944 the rich world’s finance experts convened in a hotel in the New Hampshire mountains to discuss the post-war monetary system. The Bretton Woods system...

- Bretton Woods
What was decided at the Bretton Woods summit ON JULY 1ST 1944 the rich world’s finance experts convened in a hotel in the New Hampshire mountains to discuss the post-war monetary system. The Bretton Woods system that emerged from the conference saw...

- Política Fiscal E O Multiplicador
Vídeo da entrevista com Olivier Blanchard, atualmente chefe-economista do FMI, sobre política fiscal e monetária e a falta do efeito multiplicador

- Falir é Bom E Faz Bem
É o que diz Simon Johnson, professor de empreendedorismo na MIT Sloan School of Management: “This country (os EUA) is based on our ability to take risks, to create new things — and our ability to fail, individually and in a corporate setting. If...

