Macroeconomia americana
Explaining America's macro puzzles
The worst of all worlds
Mar 15th 2012, 21:08 by G.I. | WASHINGTON
America’s economy is a mosaic of puzzles and contradictions that has economists and bloggers scrambling for explanations and scrutinizing the data for quirks and flaws. Lately, I’ve been thinking dark thoughts: what if all it takes is a single explanation that assumes all the data are correct?
Burocracia Brasileira Destrou A Economia
Sei Shiroma is, frankly, a tiny player in Brazil’s $2 trillion economy. A 29-year-old immigrant from New York, he runs a pizzeria out of the ground floor of an old apartment building near downtown Rio de Janeiro. The place seats, when tightly packed,...
Índice De Miséria
here are the 10 most miserable countries in the world:
10. South Africa - 39.16 9. Jamaica - 39.85 8. Serbia - 40.32 7. Sao Tome and Principe - 42.06 6. Brazil - 42.79 5. Iran - 49.10 4. Ukraine - 51.80 3. Syria - 63.90 2. Argentina - 68 1. Venezuela...
O Efeito Da Desvalorização Da Libra Esterlina
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Brasil - Crescimento Econômico Por Liberdade Econômica
Brazil: Restoring Economic Growth Through Economic Freedom
By James M. Roberts, Mark Schreiber and Derek Scissors, Ph.D. September 20, 2012
Special Report #118 on Latin America
September 20, 2012
Brazil: Restoring Economic Growth...
Pibic Ufs
Divulgados os editais de 2012 do Pibic e do Pibiti Inscrições de projetos serão feitas pelos professores de 2 a 20/4 no SIGAA
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