Livre mercado contra escravidão

Livre mercado contra escravidão

"From the experience of all ages and nations, I believe, that the work done by free men comes cheaper in the end than the work performed by slaves. Whatever work he does, beyond what is sufficient to purchase his own maintenance, can be squeezed out of him by violence only, and not by any interest of his own."
~ Adam Smith. Wealth of Nations (1776) ~


- Estado De Bem-estar
Why does a large portion of the population choose not to work when there are many jobs available? The answer is simple. If you can receive 2-3 times as much money from unemployment, disability, and/or welfare benefits (subsidized housing, food stamps,...

- Como Explicar A Grande Depressão
'Real’ Reinforcement for Austrian Arguments Mises Daily:Monday, May 13, 2013 by John P. Cochran In a recent article, “The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited,”work by Cole and Ohanian was highlighted because it comes to conclusions similar...

- Hollywood - A Grande Maquina De Mentiras
Infelizmente muitas pessoas ganham uma grande parte de seus conhecimentos sobre historia e economia de filmes cheio de mentiras e distorções. Veja Gekko em Wall Street: “The richest 1% of this country owns half our country’s wealth, $5 trillion....

- Desenvolvimento Econômico
Jane Jacobs on Development: the Nation is not the ONLY possible unit of analysis From Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek, quoting Jane Jacobs’ book Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Nations are political and military entities… But it doesn’t necessarily...

- O Fim Do Livre Mercado?
http://www.ft. com/cms/s/ 0/2802e3a8- f77c-11dd- 81f7-000077b0765 8.html?nclick_ check=1 Adam Smith gets the last laugh By P.J. O’Rourke Published: February 10 2009 19:22 | Last updated: February 10 2009 19:22 The free market is dead. It was killed...

