Integração América Latina

Integração América Latina

Regional integration in Latin America

The Pacific players go to market

An incipient new club proclaims that Brazil is not South America’s only game




- Mexico - Brasil
Mexico is Latin America's success story as Brazil stumbles Latin America's power rankings are shifting this year and Mexico is emerging as a winner. The Mexican economy isn't surging, but it's surviving -- and that's a success in...

- Integração Econômica Na América Latina
Latin American geoeconomics A continental divide The region is falling in behind two alternative blocks: the market-led Pacific Alliance and the more statist Mercosur ON MAY 23rd in the Colombian city of Cali the presidents of four Latin American...

- Integração Econômica E Monetária
Antony Peter Mueller e Tiago Roberto Aragão Nascimento: O papel da política monetária e cambial no processo de integração e desenvolvimento da América Latina em: Llairó de Monserrat, María    II Congreso y IX Simposio Internacional...

- A Economia Brasileira - Quente Demais E Frágil, Diz The Economist
Brazil's economy            Too hot       Latin America’s biggest economy is more fragile than it appears"... (M)any of Brazil’s economic officials now have an...

- Corrida De Armas Na América Latina
"... Concerns over a possible arms race on the South American continent have turned the spotlight on who’s buying what and why.     Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia in particular appear determined to prove they won't be pushed...

