Fim do milagre para os BRICS

Fim do milagre para os BRICS

BRICs Biggest Currency Depreciation Since 1998 to Worsen

"... Investors are fleeing the four biggest emerging markets, known as the BRICs, after Brazil’s consumer default rate rose to the highest level since 2009, prices for Russian oil exports fell to an 18-month low, India’s budget deficit widened and Chinese home prices slumped. Investors are bracing for more losses as economic growth slows.
“I am quite bearish,” Stephen Jen, a managing partner at hedge fund SLJ Macro Partners LLP and a former economist at the International Monetary Fund, said in a phone interview from London. “When the global economy and capital flow slow down, it’s going to expose a lot of problems in these countries and make people stop and ask questions. A run on the currency could be particularly ugly.”...


- Banco Central Do Brasil Compra Ouro
The IMF reported Wednesday that the Banco Central do Brasil has increased its gold holdings for the second straight month, to the highest level in 11 years, as Latin America’s biggest economy looks to diversify its vast international reserves. Brazil’s...

- "currency Swap" Entre Brasil E China
Brazil-China to Sign $30 Billion Currency Swap Agreement Soon By Joshua Goodman - 2012-06-21T23:07:01Z Brazil and China will sign an agreement in the coming weeks to swap as much as $30 billion in their two currencies, Brazil...

- Bric Ou Ric?
Brazilian Economy Threatened By Bloated Government April 10, 2012 Alvaro Vargas Llosa Just over a decade ago, in a paper entitled “The World Needs Better Economic BRICs,” Goldman Sachs Asset Management Chairman Terence James “Jim”...

- A Guerra Cambial Continua
"... Brazil’s Finance Minister Guido Mantega said investors misinterpreted his comments last week about currency gains being inevitable and that policy makers will continue to take measures to curb capital inflows. “This interpretation that now we...

- O Retorno Do Dragão
O futuro da Bovespa decide a China. Mais cedo ou tarde a China vai provocar o collapso do real e da Bovespa: "... Foreign inflows to Brazil totaled $28.7-billion in 2009. In order to defend the US-dollar from spiraling lower, the BoB bought $24-billion...

