Fim da regime do dólar?

Fim da regime do dólar?

Goodbye U.S. Dollar, Hello Chinese Yuan?

Boom and Bust Banking:
The Causes and Cures of the Great Recession

Edited by David Beckworth

The latest issue of The Economist reports that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, encouraged top international financial leaders to decouple their currencies from the dollar and stop shadowing America’s currency, which forces their economies to ease monetary policy whenever Bernanke does. These eases have led to rapid inflation and asset prices in many international emerging markets.

In the wake of the worst recession in fifty years, Boom & Bust Banking: The Causes and Cures of the Great Recession exposes the critical role the Federal Reserve played in creating a vast speculative bubble and plunging the world economy into a Great Recession.

The Economist further reports that on the same day Bernanke delivered his ill-fated council, “a deputy governor of China’s central bank pointed out that China no longer hoovers up dollar reserves with its past abandon.” Instead, currencies that used to shadow the greenback are steadily beginning to play follow-the-leader with a different currency: the Chinese yuan.

Addressing the lack of critical studies of recent Federal Reserve policy, Boom and Bust Banking reveals the Federal Reserve’s hand in the international deterioration of the American dollar, which spurred a global recession and is giving rise to China’s greater influence over U.S financial interests at home and abroad.

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