Europa' s mega "bailout"

Europa' s mega "bailout"

LUXEMBOURG (AP) -- Eurozone nations on Monday started setting up a massive bailout fund that could rescue any member of Europe's currency union from default, aiming to soothe market jitters that have sent the euro to a new four-month low against the dollar.
The "shock and awe" financial rescue package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund will total euro750 billion ($1 trillion) -- money that can be lent to any indebted eurozone nation risking default, and intended to counter investor fears that Spain, Portugal or others could follow Greece in requiring a bailout to meet debt repayments. --
texto completo
Os países da zona de euro implantaban um fundo monetário próprio - o "European Financial Stability Fund - EFSF" para salvar os países em risco de calote. Incluindo a linha de Fundo Monetário Internacional, a zona de euro tem um pacote de resgate no tamanho de um trilhão de dólares.


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