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THIS month America will reach two economic milestones. The Federal Reserve’s “quantitative easing”, or QE—loosening monetary policy by buying bonds with newly created money—will draw to a close. And the recovery QE was designed to spur will reach its second anniversary.
Yet no one will be celebrating at next week’s meeting of the Fed, where officials are almost certain to reiterate that the $600 billion programme of bond purchases will end this month...
Measured by totting up income rather than spending, the economy is no bigger than in 2006... About $1.2 trillion in fiscal stimulus has been injected since Mr Obama took office. The Fed cut interest rates to nearly zero and then, in two rounds of QE, bought $2.3 trillion of government and mortgage-backed bonds...
Leia mais sobre a política econômica americana


- Afrouxamento Quantitativo
BYRON WIEN: The Fed basically put $3 trillion into the stock market By Akin Oyedele  Wien quantifies its contribution: It took the Fed 95 years to build up a balance sheet of $1 trillion and only six years to go from there to...

- Quantitative Easing
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- "quantitative Easing"
Bernanke’s Fed, constrained by a key interest rate near zero and bound by a Congressional mandate to reduce unemployment, yesterday said it would buy $600 billion in Treasury securities through next June in a bid to further reduce long-term borrowing...

- "quantitative Easing"
-- The Federal Reserve will probably begin a new round of unconventional monetary easing this week by announcing a plan to buy at least $500 billion of long-term securities, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Policy makers meeting tomorrow...

- Possíveis Impactos Do Quantitative Easing (qe2) Sobre A Economia Americana
Martin Feldstein com a palavra: "At the annual Fed conference at Jackson Hole, Wyoming in August, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke explained that he was considering a new round of quantitative easing (dubbed QE2), in which the Fed would buy a substantial volume...

