Encontro do G20

Encontro do G20

Nov. 14 (Bloomberg) -- A two-day summit on the global economic crisis begins today in Washington with world leaders likely to agree on little more than trying to spend their way out of a global recession. The Group of 20 heads of state are divided on what needs to be done after that. European leaders are demanding greater state controls over financial markets. President George W. Bush, who hosts a dinner of his counterparts at the White House tonight, takes a narrower view..."-- http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=ahyQOB.59C8A&refer=news


- Política Fiscal Expansiva Em Consideração
March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil’s government has room to cut taxes and increase public works spending to spur economic growth, Finance Minister Guido Mantega said. The finance minister said the government can undertake “expansionary fiscal policy, with...

- Taxa De Desemprego Estados Unidos
Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. companies slashed payrolls last month at the fastest pace in 34 years as the economy headed for its deepest and longest recession since World War II. Employers cut 533,000 jobs, bringing losses so far this year to 1.91 million,...

- Economia Monetária

- Votando Dinheiro Por Fora

- Economia Monetária - Política Monetária Atual
O Banco Central do Brasil facilita liquidez: -- Sept. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil eased rules on reserve requirements that banks must keep at the central bank in response to the credit crunch sparked by the U.S. financial crisis. Banco Central do Brasil...

