Educação gratuita de verdade - Khan Academy

Educação gratuita de verdade - Khan Academy

Watch. Practice.  Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 317 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.   Mais


- Pobreza E Riqueza Na Perspectiva Histórica
Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?  Throughout the history of the world, the average person on earth has been extremely poor: subsisting on the modern equivalent of $3 per day. This was true until 1800, at which point average wages—and...

- Khan Academy Do Brasil
Khan Academy vai chegar a mais brasileiros 18/01/13 // Escola // On-line // Brasil da redação Se o Brasil já era um dos países que mais acessa a Khan Academy no mundo, depois da passagem de Salman Khan por...

- Educação Sem Limites
Learn almost anything for free Khan Academy ...

- Ouro Nas Reservas Internacionais
                 tonnes                    Por centos das reservas internacionais...

- A Economia Brasileira - Quente Demais E Frágil, Diz The Economist
Brazil's economy            Too hot       Latin America’s biggest economy is more fragile than it appears"... (M)any of Brazil’s economic officials now have an...

