Economia feminista

Economia feminista

Alguns links para trabalhos de investigadoras desta corrente que anda em busca de uma teoria económica femininista.
A ler com  cuidado: o pós-modernismo é prejudicial à saúde! 

    Myra H. Strober
  School of Education - Stanford Unversity

  • "Habits of the Mind: Challenges for Multidisciplinarity"
  • ""The Application of Mainstream Economics Constructs to Education: A Feminist Analysis" (doc)
  • "Feminist Economics: Implications for Education"

      Cordelia W. Reimers
      Hunter College - City University of New York

  • Responses to Social Security by Men and Women: Myopic and Far-Sighted Behavior

      Paula England
      Stanford University

  • "Love and Distrust Among Unmarried Parents"
  • " Does Bad Pay Cause Occupations to Feminize, Does Feminization Reduce Pay, and How Can We Tell with Longitudinal Data?"
  • "Why Are Some Academic Fields Tipping Toward Female?"
  • "Toward Gender Equality: Progress and Bottlenecks"

    S. Charusheela
  • "A decade of feminist economics"
  • Feminist Economics Today: Beyond Economic Man, org. Marianne A. Ferber e Julie A. Nelson. (livro)
  • Toward a Feminist Theory of Economics (Economics as Social Theory), org.:Drucilla K. Barker, Edith Kuiper (livro)
  • Feminist Economics (revista)


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