Discussão sobre "Why Nations Fail"

Discussão sobre "Why Nations Fail"


"Several people asked us why we haven’t responded to Jeffrey Sachs’s review of Why Nations Fail in Foreign Affairs. Well the answer was sort of in-between the lines in our response to Arvind Subramanian review (the original review is here and our response is here): we said that thoughtful reviews deserve thoughtful answers. What about not-so-thoughtful ones?. --



- Magazines & Publications:
American Photo Magazine Asiaweek.com Australian Geographic Better Digital The Bulletin Capture Magazine - Australia Der Speigel DoubleTake / Points of Entry Magazine The Economist Editor and Publisher Eureka Street Far Eastern Economic Review Forbes Foreign...

- O Fracasso De Nações
"Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty" -- Daron Acemoglu  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRAkz13cpsk...

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The perverse effects of easy money The curious case of William White Sep 5th 2012, 17:13 by M.C.K. | WASHINGTON With a few noteworthy exceptions, mainstream academic economists failed to anticipate that the global financial crisis and ensuing...

- As Causas Da Probreza
The Cure for Humanity's Natural State of Abject Poverty A review of Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.Ronald Bailey | April 10, 2012"Acemoglu and Robinson argue that since the Neolithic agricultural revolution, most...

- Os Fundamentos Do Crescimento Econômico
"A compelling and highly readable book. And [the] conclusion is a cheering one: the authoritarian ‘extractive’ institutions like the ones that drive growth in China today are bound to run out of steam. Without the inclusive institutions that first...

