Desenvolvimento global

Desenvolvimento global

May 17, 2011—By 2025, six major emerging economies—Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Russia—will account for more than half of all global growth, and the international monetary system will no longer be dominated by a single currency. As economic power shifts, these successful economies will help drive growth in lower income countries through cross-border commercial and financial transactions.
Global Development Horizons 2011—Multipolarity: The New Global Economy projects that today's emerging economies will grow, on average, by 4.7 percent a year between 2011 and 2025, and their share of global GDP will expand from 36 percent to 45 percent. Advanced economies, meanwhile, are forecast to grow by 2.3 percent over the same period, yet will remain prominent in the global economy, with the euro area, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States all playing a core role in supporting the global economic engine. More Report Highlights »

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