Depois a política monetária de metas de inflação

Depois a política monetária de metas de inflação

Nominal GDP targeting:
(1) it provides a simple and intuitive approach to monetary policy, (2) it focuses monetary policy on that over which it has meaningful influence, and (3) its simplicity makes it  easier to implement  than other  popular alternatives. Let's consider each point in turn.
Veja também 
NGDP targeting
Contra NGDP targeting


- O Pib Nominal Como Meta Da Política Monetária
The Fallacy of Nominal GDP Targeting By Detlev S Schlichter   "...  Münchau is an advocate of nominal GDP targeting, the new fad in monetary central planning. There is allegedly nothing wrong with monetary policy. The central bankers...

- Metas Da Inflação
Inflation Targeting Hits the WallMises Daily:Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by Antony P. MuellerThe financial-market crisis is not over but has grown into a vicious sovereign-debt crisis. Nevertheless, monetary policy makers of the major economies go on...

- John Taylor Sobre Metas De Pib Nominal
John Taylor: More on Nominal GDP Targeting - Friday, November 18, 2011Several people have asked me to comment on nominal GDP targeting, as recently proposed by Scott Sumner, Christina Romer and Paul Krugman. I did research on nominal GDP targeting...

- Regras Da Política Monetária
Instrument rules, target rules, NGDP, complexity and learningAt one extreme you have pure discretion. The central bank does whatever it thinks is best. At the other extreme you have an instrument rule. The rule specifies exactly how the central bank...

- Além Da Política Monetária De Metas De Inflação
Uma proposta cada vez mais discutida é a sustuição de política de metas de inflação por um tipo de "nominal gdp targeting". Veja: e

