Crise chega à Brasil

Crise chega à Brasil

--"JUST a few months ago, Brazil’s economy was growing at its fastest pace since the mid-1990s, driven by record commodity prices and record credit growth. The country’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, declared confidently that “Bush’s crisis” in the United States would not affect Brazil. It all looks very different now. Credit is becoming scarcer and banks more suspicious of each other..." --


- Lula Na Newsweek - EdiÇÃo De 30/03/2009
Lula, nosso Presidente, mais uma vez está nas páginas e também na capa da última edição da revista NEWSWEEK. Entrevistado pelo famoso jornalista Fareed Zakaria, "Lula quer lutar” é título da entrevista. Segundo o jornalista, depois de ser...

- Política Econômica No Caminho Errado
Brazil’s development banks A politically inspired surge in lending is weakening state-owned banks in Latin America’s biggest economy Oct 19th 2013 | SÃO PAULO | IN 2008 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, then Brazil’s president,...

- Política Econômica Brasileira
The Economist explica: "... The motors of growth that powered Brazil in the past decade are sputtering. Prices of commodity exports, though still high, are no longer rising. Consumers are using more of their income to pay off the loans with which they...

- Bndes, O Real E A Política Monetária E Fiscal Do Brasil
"... A five-week rally in the Brazilian real is limiting President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s efforts to make the country’s exports more competitive in international markets. Lula himself is partly to blame, according to Harvard University Professor...

- O Brasil Visto Do Exterior
Foto no The Economist de um artigo sobre a economia brasileira.Link:

