Crescimento econômico, desmaterialização e deflação

Crescimento econômico, desmaterialização e deflação

The Future Is So Bright, it's Dematerializing
The Wall Street Journal
Economic growth is a form of deflation. If the cost of, say, computing power goes down, then the users of computing power acquire more of it for less—and thus attain a higher standard of living. One thing that makes such deflation possible is dematerialization, the reduction in the quantity of stuff needed to produce a product. An iPhone, for example, weighs 1/100th and costs 1/10th as much as an Osborne Executive computer did in 1982, but it has 150 times the processing speed and 100,000 times the memory...
 Dematerialization is one of the reasons that Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler give for the future's being "better than you think" in their new book, "Abundance." Mr. Diamandis founded the X Prizes, which handsomely reward those who reach certain far-minded goals in technology, medicine, energy and ecology...


- George Selgin Sobre "deflação Bondosa"
Why Deflation Can Be Good Tue 28 May 13 | 11:40 AM ET George Selgin, professor of economics at the University of Georgia, explains how deflation can be a good thing, if caused by improved production techniques and costs rather than by shrinking...

- As Causas Da Probreza
The Cure for Humanity's Natural State of Abject Poverty A review of Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.Ronald Bailey | April 10, 2012"Acemoglu and Robinson argue that since the Neolithic agricultural revolution, most...

- O Futuro Das Ciências Econômicas
What future for economics? by Martin Wolf Yesterday, I moderated a panel on “The Future of Economics”. The panel included two Nobel laureates in economics – Peter Diamond of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Joe Stiglitz of Columbia....

- Fixar A Base Monetária
With a fixed monetary stock, deflation will ensue when the economy expands either in absolute terms or on a per capita basis with productivity gains. In both cases business does do better on average while the wage earner automatically receives higher...

Iraque, open source...e tudo o mais Wired News: Slow Going for Linux in Iraq Trecho:As Iraq emerges from years of stagnation wrought by a closed political system and tough sanctions from other countries, Iraqi interest in computing technology is...

