Controvérsias macroeconômicas atual no Brasil

Controvérsias macroeconômicas atual no Brasil

"... Brazil’s state development bank President Luciano Coutinho rejected criticism that record lending is placing a burden on the central bank to keep inflation in check and slowing the reduction of public debt...
... Central bank President Henrique Meirelles, in an interview with Valor Economico newspaper published today, said that the development bank’s lending may push rates higher because it reduces the efficiency of monetary policy..."
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- Política Econômica No Caminho Errado
Brazil’s development banks A politically inspired surge in lending is weakening state-owned banks in Latin America’s biggest economy Oct 19th 2013 | SÃO PAULO | IN 2008 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, then Brazil’s president,...

- Banco Central Entra Na Greve
Brazil Central Bank Work Stoppage Tests Rousseff Budget Rigor By Raymond Colitt - Aug 8, 2012 11:29 AM GMT-0300 Brazilian central bank employees staged their first work stoppage in five years today in pursuit of higher wages, intensifying...

- As Duas (contratictórias) Políticas Monetárias Do Brasil
“Brazil has, de facto, two monetary policies: one run by the central bank and the other one run by BNDES,” said Hausmann, a former chief economist at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington. Leia mais ...

- Independência Do Banco Central Do Brasil
June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Strengthening the independence of Brazil’s central bank will help reduce uncertainties in Latin America’s biggest economy, said Henrique Meirelles, president of the monetary authority. Text completo ...

- China - Brasil: Comércio Sem O Us Dólar
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- The central bank governors of China and Brazil have agreed in principle to allow trade between the two countries to be settled in their respective currencies, reports said Sunday. People's Bank of China Gov. Zhou...

