Complexidade econômica

Complexidade econômica

1JPN Japan2.29
2CHE Switzerland2.16
3DEU Germany1.95
4SWE Sweden1.83
5 2 GBR United Kingdom1.72


- Mexico - Brasil
Mexico is Latin America's success story as Brazil stumbles Latin America's power rankings are shifting this year and Mexico is emerging as a winner. The Mexican economy isn't surging, but it's surviving -- and that's a success in...

- Macroeconomia Keynesiana
Keynesian macroeconomics in five slides with one page of refutations. March 2013 Download data show...

- Economia Brasileira
Brazil’s economy More inflation, less growth In fact, the headline figure underestimates inflationary pressures. If the federal government had not capped petrol prices, and municipalities frozen public-transport fares before October’s local elections,...

- Investimento, Consumo E Crescimento Econômico
"The whole annual produce of every country is distributed into two great parts; that which is destined to be employed for the purpose of reproduction, and that which is destined to be consumed. That part which is destined to serve for reproduction, naturally...

- Gasta Quando Ainda Se Pode
Brazil tourists on spending spree By Laura Bonilla | AFP Taking advantage of their country's booming economy and strong currency, Brazilian tourists went on a shopping spree abroad last year, spending more than $20 billion, notably in the United...

