Coisas improváveis

Coisas improváveis

Querendo apresentar exemplos absurdos de coisas improváveis que acontecem perante os nossos olhos e o nosso espanto, o artigo do The Economist sobre 'Emerging markets, emerging risks' cita a popularidade duradoura de Cliff Richard e a vitória da Grécia no Euro 2004. Portugal agradece as referências, ainda que indirectas.


- Fim Da Convergência
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- Crescimento Econômico Dos Emergentes
Is the age of emerging-market growth miracles at an end?Aug 15th 2012 Rebalancing will slow the pace of emerging-market catch-up growth Michael Heise I WOULD agree that the days of stellar growth rates in the emerging markets (above all double-digit...

- Jim Rogers Expressa Seu Pessimismo Sobre O Brasil Do Futuro
Jim Rogers : I am short Brazil , because it is not a very well-managed country Jim Rogers : Brazil is wonderful and I am very bullish on commodities. These two are commodity countries, but Brazil is normally not a very well-managed country and their...

- Comércio Internacional - Expansão Dos Emergentes
Trading places Dec 19th 2011, 15:07 by World In 2012 Emerging economies will import more than the rich world in 2012 AN ENTERPRISING Englishman in the 1850s famously said that if he “could add an inch of material to every Chinaman’s shirt-tail, the...

- Quantitative Easing
Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to pump $600 billion into the economy might “shock” emerging markets by flooding them with capital. The first round of quantitative easing, as the Fed policy is...

