Ciência econômica
Anthony J Evans
"Economics is simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy."
A "ciencia Econômica" é Uma Ciência?
What Is Economics Good For?
It’s easy to understand why economics might be mistaken for science. It uses quantitative expression in mathematics and the succinct statement of its theories in axioms and derived “theorems,”...
Teoria Quantitativa Da Moeda
The (Quantity) Theory of Money and Credit y las 3 ecuaciones cuantitavias
19Viernesjul 2013
Publicado por Nicolas Cachanosky en Articulo
≈ 4 comentarios
Anthony Evans, Irving Fisher, Mises, Pigou, teoria cuantitativa
Debate Macroeconômico - Keynes Contra Hayek
Keynes vs. Hayek: An Economics DebateWas John Maynard Keynes correct, can government fix the mass unemployment generated by a financial slump? Or is that a dangerous delusion as argued by his arch critic, Friedrich von Hayek? Sir Harold Evans chairs...
Política Monetária Dos Eu
THE ECONOMIST Monetary policy -General Ben's marching orders Nov 10th 2011, 20:30 by G.I. | WASHINGTON CHARLIE EVANS of the Chicago Fed has been pressing his colleagues to give employment more weight in monetary policy, arguing for example that even...
A Ea é Heterodoxa?
Post do excelente blog, The Austrian Economists, sobre a posição da EA no espectro acadêmico na profissão dos economistas: "Is Austrian Economics Heterodox Economics? I just received this question from a reader who is doing a research project on classifying...