Chávez (veja SBT)

Chávez (veja SBT)

O Chavez do sbt tem competição em Venezuela:


CARACAS -- President Hugo Chávez's decision to devalue Venezuela's bolivar and impose a complicated new currency regime may paper over some growing cracks in the economy, but it is also setting the stage for bigger problems down the road for the country's oil-rich nation and its populist leader.
Over the weekend, there were signs that Mr. Chávez's slashing of the "strong bolivar" currency could create as many problems as it solves in Venezuela's economy, provoking a wave of anxiety that sent Venezuelans scurrying to spend cash they feared could soon be worthless...
On Sunday, Mr. Chávez vowed to fight speculation and price increases that could result from the devaluation, which raises the price of imports...
Mr. Chávez has watched his popularity slide amid corruption scandals, a shrinking economy, rising crime and shortages of food and electricity. Increased spending could boost Mr. Chávez's popularity...


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Alguém gosta de Chávez? Talvez o melhor fosse perguntar: alguém não gosta de Chávez? Não, se você observar a nova imprensa controlada da outrora democrática Venezuela. O presidente Hugo Chávez promulgou terça-feira a Lei de Responsabilidade...

