Características para ganhar emprego

Características para ganhar emprego

profisionalismo, alta energia e confiança

Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire Most

Professionalism (86%), high-energy (78%) and confidence (61%) are the top three traits employers say they are looking for in new hires. Kathy Harris, managing director of Manhattan-based executive search firm Harris Allied says these first-impression traits are the most critical for employers to prepare for as they all can be evaluated by a recruiter or hiring manager within the first 30 seconds of meeting a candidate.


- Deficiências Trabalhistas
Companies can't find workers who can hold a conversation or show up on time By Myles Udland 2 It's not about finding workers; it's about finding the right workers. According...

- Desemprego Juvenil
The great mismatch Skills shortages are getting worse even as youth unemployment reaches record highs IN PARTS of Europe and the Middle East more than a quarter of 15- to 24-year-olds do not have a job. In some black spots such as Spain and Egypt...

- Eu Desemprego
WASHINGTON – The unemployment rate rose to 9.7 percent in August, the highest since June 1983, as employers eliminated a net total of 216,000 jobs. Analysts expect businesses will be reluctant to hire until they are convinced the economy is on a firm...

- É A História, Estúpido!
Na investigação sobre os principais determinantes do desenvolvimento econômico, a literatura corrente tem dado ênfase à geografia e instituições. Mas as raízes do desenvolvimento podem estar relacionadas com história, como argumentam Enrico Spolaore...

Por que devemos explorar a Lua? Porque ela pode nos dar mais uma fonte de energia. A potential gas source found on the moon's surface could hold the key to meeting future energy demands as the earth's fossil fuels dry up in the coming decades,...

