

Apply Now for a Mises Summer Fellowship
The Mises Institute is now accepting applications for 2013 Summer Fellowships in residence for graduate or law students, ABDs, and post-docs interested in scientific research in the Austrian School and classical liberalism. A limited number of fellowships are available to exceptional undergraduates who have attended Mises University or The Austrian Scholars Conference.


- Bolsas
Now Accepting Fellowship Applications for the 2016 – 2017 Academic Year Mercatus Center Academic & Student Programs is now accepting applications for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. We offer programs for students interested in political economy...

- Teoria Quantitativa Da Moeda
The (Quantity) Theory of Money and Credit y las 3 ecuaciones cuantitavias 19Viernesjul 2013 Publicado por Nicolas Cachanosky en Articulo ≈ 4 comentarios Etiquetas Anthony Evans, Irving Fisher, Mises, Pigou, teoria cuantitativa El...

- Livros Sobre O Ciclo De Negócios.
The Austrians Were Right Mises Daily:Tuesday, February 05, 2013 by Harry Veryser Editor's Note: Professor Harry C. Veryser has written a much-needed look at the Austrian School of economics and why its lessons must be heeded at last. Ron Paul calls...

- Convite
March 31st is the deadline for applications to the IHS Summer Seminar program of free seminars for students. Please forward the paragraph below to students who might be interested. Thanks. Learn more about liberty at a free summer seminar hosted by...

Prêmio Se você é aluno meu, do Leo, ou, enfim, é leitor deste blog, então não deixe passar a chance de ganhar uns dólares. O concurso abaixo é promovido pelo The Independent Institute que tem, dentre outros membros, Robert Higgs, um autor...

