Blogs de Economia Austríaca

Blogs de Economia Austríaca

Top 40 Austrian Economics Blogs

The world of investing is largely shaped by the varying economic schools of thought that individuals fall under. One of the best-known of these groups is the Keynsian school, which promotes a more hands-on government that has more control over a particular economy. Another big name in the world of economics is those that associate with the Austrian school of thought, which promotes a laissez-faire government that has little influence on the developments around it. As the years have gone on, the Austrian way of thinking has become incredibly popular, and has shaped a number of investors’ capital allocations [see also How to Play Schiff’s $5,000 Gold Prediction].
Below, we outline the top 40 Austrian Economics blogs for those looking to get a deeper understanding of this niche world.

Most Active

The first group of Austrian Economics resources are what we defined (subjectively) as the most active of the list [see also The Ten Commandments of Commodity Investing].
  1. Luwig von Mises Institute: The who’s-who of Austrian resources, this website is a go to for investors all around the world.
  2. Austrianomics: A good resource with regular postings regarding this particular economic approach.
  3. Bastiat Institute: A regularly-updated Austrian blog that focuses on economies all across the globe.
  4. Economic Thought: A relatively small but extremely active resource chock full of ideas and commentary.
  5. The Radical Subjectivist: An extremely active and bold blog for those looking for strong opinions.
  6. Freeman: A blog that features regular posts about things like “How the Government Destroys Wealth”.
  7. Thinking Machine Blog: A good blog that features regular posts.
  8. Economic Freedom: This blog aims to bring you the latest news, research, commentary and analysis on what is impacting your quality of life.
  9. Monty Pelerin’s World: This popular blog features readers in over 150 countries as it keeps pace with global economic news.
  10. Mercatus Center: A George Mason University-run website that has a nice, widespread focus.
  11. Economic Liberty: A blog that allows visitors to post and share their ideas with the world.
  12. Austrian Economics and Liberty: A blog that focuses on both writing and videos to educate investors.


The following blogs are run by institutions or on the behalf of institutions [for more commodity news subscribe to our free newsletter].
  1. The Circle Bastiat: A blog with a global focus on the Austrian school.
  2. Adam Smith Institute: This blog focuses on the U.K. economy and was inspired by legendary philosopher/economist Adam Smith.
  3. Economic Mayhem: Though this blog is not updated quite as often as some of the others on the list, it still provides a nice resource for those looking for economic updates.
  4. EconLog: A great resource and one of whose writers’ first book was named “Best Political Book of the Year” by the New York Times.
  5. Coordination Problem: A strong blog that is very focused on news and current affairs from an Austrian point of view.
  6. The Pretense of Knowledge: Though the blog is not specifically catered to economics, it carries the hands-off government ideals of most Austrians.
  7. Barnhart Investment: An Austrian blog ran by Barnhart Investment Advisory.
  8. Ted Bits: A great source for those new to Austrian Economics who are looking to get their feet wet.
  9. The Hayek Corner: Another strong Austrian resource.
  10. LRC Blog: Though not updated on a daily basis, this blog still has good commentary and interviews for readers to dive in to.
  11. The Daily Bail: An Austrian blog that tends to focus on the “doom and gloom” side of things.
  12. The Burning Platform: A blog that focuses both on Austrian economics as well as personal stories and commentary from the authors.
  13. Economic Policy Journal: A good source that features constant updates and articles.
  14. King World News: A blog very focused on precious metals while still applying the Austrian school of thought.
  15. TheMoneyIllusion: A blog that is specifically dedicated to monetary issues around the world.
  16. Critical Thinking Applied: Another well-versed economics resource.
  17. Freedom Line: An Austrian blog ran by the Center for Individual Freedom.
  18. Manifest Liberty: A blog with plenty to say on the current economic and political environment.
  19. Recovering Austrians: This blog actually focuses on dispelling the thoughts behind Austrian Economics, giving you a view from the other side.
  20. The Social Rationalist: A blog that focuses on economics, politics, and legal theory among other things.


The following blogs are run by individuals or on behalf of an individual [see also Four Commodities To Buy Before Roubini’s “Perfect Storm”].
  1. Tom Woods: A well-written blog managed by a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute who also boasts degrees from Harvard and Columbia University.
  2. Free Advice: A personal blog of economist Robert P. Murphy.
  3. Smiling Dave: Certainly one of the more entertaining economics blogs as the tagline promises to offer “gentle sarcasm”.
  4. Patrick Barron: An individual blog that allows investors to see a new side of the Austrian world, as told by a banking consultant.
  5. Peter Schiff Blog: One of the best-known and most trusted names in economics.
  6. Carpe Diem: A blog ran by a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan.
  7. John Lott: A nicely-run blog with a personal touch from author John Lott.
  8. Diary of a Libertarian Nerd: The blog’s tagline reads “I felt alienated from my school-bag, and for once I grasped the intimate relationship between sarcasm and alienation”.


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