Best books of 2014 - The Economist.

Best books of 2014 - The Economist.

Economics and business: 
Capital in the Twenty-First Century. By Thomas Piketty. Belknap Press; 696 pages; $39.95 and £29.95. Buy from<>;<>
An unlikely bestseller by a French economist, who, by looking at historical changes in the concentration of income and wealth, shows that the importance of wealth in modern economies is approaching levels unseen since before 1914.

The Forgotten Depression, 1921: The Crash that Cured Itself. By James Grant. Simon & Schuster; 254 pages; $28. Buy from<>;<>
A study of the searing 1920s by the founder of a well-regarded financial newsletter. It sheds light on a nasty, but largely ignored, episode and demonstrates that a laissez-faire approach can cure slumps better than the government activism of the 1930s-or indeed 2008.

Brazil: The Troubled Rise of a Global Power. By Michael Reid. Yale University Press; 334 pages; $32.50 and £20. Buy from<>;<>

Our former Americas editor, now the Bello columnist, analyses the troubled rise of a global power and looks at the challenges that lie ahead.


- Grátis: Manual De Sobrevivência Na Universidade: Da Graduação Ao Pós-doutorado
Novamente de graça, só hoje, na e na em versão revista para Kindle! Link aqui!!!...

- As Superpotências Do Futuro

- Convite De Participar No Grupo De Pesquisa Sobre Macroeconomia Financeira
       Prérequisitos: interesse sério no tema e vontade de se dedicar a estudo de textos em inglês com matemática básica (incentivamos também a participação online via internet)Contacto  [email protected]...

- Armadilha De Pobreza - L Ou S?
The one on the right has a toppled L-shape. The one on the left resembles an elongated S. If you believe the poor's prospects are L-shaped, you will tend to believe that they can gradually pull themselves out of poverty, since a small investment (in...

- Macroeconomia Baseada No Capital

