Artigos sobre Politica de Economia:
- A Political Economic Analysis of Free-Trade Agreement
- Economic Origens of Dictatorship and Democracy
- Internacionalization and Domectic Politic
- The Republic of Science: Its Political and Economic Theory
- An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy
- Understanding the Process of Economic Change
- Economic Performance Through Time
- Distributive Politics and Economic Growth
- Neoliberalizing Space
- The world since 1945: a history of international relations
- The hesitant boom: Indonesia's oil palm sub-sector in an era of economic crisis and political change
- The Urbanization of Neoliberalism: Theoritical Dabates
- Political and Economic Determinants of Budget deficit in Industrial Democracies
- How Reliable is Pooled Analysis in Political Economy? The Globalization–Welfare State Nexus Revisited
- The Body Politic and the Power of Socioeconomic Status
- The End of Capitalism(As We Knew It):A Feminist Critique of Political Economy
- The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place
- Increasing Return and Economic Geography
- Uncertainty, Evolution, and Economic Theory
- The economic basis of Russia's political crisis
- Rules Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optical Plans
- Institutions and economic performance: cross-country tests using alternative institutional measures'
- Black power
- Income distribution, political instability, and investment
- Understanding Economic Policy Reform
- The theory of economic regulation
- Federalism, Chinese Style: The Political Basis for Economic Success in China
- ESSAYS IN THE ECONOMICS OF CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Gary S. Becker, William M. Landes (p. -20 - 0)
- Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach: Gary S. Becker (p. 1 - 54) (download)
- The Optimum Enforcement of Laws: George J. Stigler (p. 55 - 67) (download)
- Participation in Illegitimate Activities: An Economic Analysis: Isaac Ehrlich (p. 68 - 134) (download)
- The Bail System: An Economic Approach: William M. Landes (p. 135 - 163) (download)
- An Economic Analysis of the Courts: William M. Landes (p. 164 - 214) (download)
- The Behavior of Administrative Agencies: Richard A. Posner (p. 215 - 261) (download)
- A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory
- The Problem of Social Cost
- Politic Parties and Macroeconomic Policy
- Increasing Return, Path Dependence and the Stady of Politics
- The Political Economy of Growth: A Critical Survey of the Recent Literature
- A framework for understanding poverty
- The politics of the earth: environmental discourses
- Policy Paradigm, Social Learning and the State: The Case of Policymaking in Britain
- The Rhetoric of Economics
- A Pure Theory of Local Expenditure
- The state of social capital: bringing back in power, politics and history
- Political economy in macroeconomics
- National power and the structure of foreign trade
- Gender and command over property: A critical gap in economic analysis and policy in South Asia
- The effects of frames in political television news on issue interpretation and frame salience
- Fashioning in Korean Model out of the Crisis
- Some Principles of Stratification
- Institution, Instituional Change and Economic Prformance
- Protection for Sale
- The End of History? The National Interest, Summer 198
- In Praise of Cultural Imperialism
- TRANSFORMATIONS 'comparative study of social transfomtions
- The digital economy: Promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence
- Do Institutions Really Matter
- Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries
- Contemporary Ethnic Mobilization
- Education, democracy and growth
- The economics of European integration
- How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth?
- Shaping the political arena
- The political economy of central-bank independence
- Social postmodernism: beyond identity politics
- The political system of the European Union
- Why export democracy?: the hidden grand strategy of american foreign policy
- Art, Science, or Politics? The Crisis in Hunter-Gatherer Studies
- The Political Economyof the rent-seeking Society
- Cowles Foundation for Research of Economics
- 1. Introduction to "Import Competition and Response": Jagdish N. Bhagwati (p. 1 - 8) (download)
2. Import Competition and Macroeconomic Adjustment under Wage-Price Rigidity: Michael Bruno (p. 9 - 38) (download)
3. Intersectoral Capital Mobility, Wage Stickiness, and the Case for Adjustment Assistance: J. Peter Neary (p. 39 - 72) (download)
4. Government Policy and the Adjustment Process: Michael Mussa (p. 73 - 122) (download)
5. Protection, Trade Adjustment Assistance, and Income Distribution: Peter A. Diamond (p. 123 - 150) (download)
6. Shifting Comparative Advantage, Protectionist Demands, and Policy Response: Jagdish N. Bhagwati (p. 151 - 196) (download)
7. Trade in Differentiated Products and the Political Economy of Trade Liberalization: Paul Krugman (p. 197 - 222) (download)
8. Endogenous Tariffs, the Political Economy of Trade Restrictions, and Welfare: Ronald Findlay, Stanislaw Wellisz (p. 223 - 244) (download)
9. Tariff Seeking and the Efficient Tariff: Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati (p. 245 - 262) (download)
10. The Political Economy of Protectionism: Robert E. Baldwin (p. 263 - 292) (download)
11. Adjustment in Process: A Lancashire Town: Ronald P. Dore (p. 293 - 320) (download)
12. Trade Adjustment Assistance under the United States Trade Act of 1974: An Analytical Examination and Worker Survey: J. David Richardson (p. 321 - 368) (download)
13. European Community Protection against Manufactured Imports from Developing Countries: A Case Study in the Political Economy of Protection: Eric Verreydt, Jean Waelbroeck (p. 369 - 400) (download)
List of Contributors, Indices: Jagdish N. Bhagwati (p. 401 - 410) (download) - The Lexus and the olive tree
- Democratic Politics in an Era of Economic Reform
- The New Institucional Economics
- The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault
- Labor Economic and Phsycology of Organizations
Economia De Mises
Introduction: The Economist as System Builder: Ludwig Von Mises and the Architect of Economic Science and Political Economy
Peter J. Boettke
George Mason University - Department of Economics
Peter T. Leeson
George Mason University - Department...
O Modelo Sueco
The Swedish model for economic recovery
Sweden was the world’s third-richest country in 1968 but became a massive welfare state in the 1970s and 1980s and a prototype for how not to run an economy. It slid to No. 17 in the global income rankings...
União Monetária Europeia
Political leaders in the euro zone have yet to determine a way out of the explosive economic turmoil they face. But Institute for New Economic Thinking Advisory Board member Harold James has an answer.
Speaking at a recent UC Berkeley conference on the...
Por Que Nações Fracassam? É A Política, Estúpido!
Política é o principal impedimento ao crescimento e desenvolvimento dos países, de acordo com o economista Daron Acemoglu e o cientista político Jim Robinson, em seu novo livro "Why Nations Fail": "From Adam Smith and Max Weber to the current day,...
Randy Simmons
É hoje a palestra do prof. Simmons no Rio Grande do Sul, sob patrocínio do Instituto Liberdade.
Quem é Simmons?
Randy Simmons is the head of the Political Science Department, and director of the Institute of Political Economy,...