Argentina impacta bolsa de valores em Brasil

Argentina impacta bolsa de valores em Brasil

Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Argentina's planned nationalization of its retirement system will trigger a fire sale of Brazilian stocks this week as private pension funds are forced to shed foreign holdings. The funds must unload all foreign assets by Oct. 31, ``particularly those in Brazil,'' Amado Boudou, the head of the country's social security agency, said in an interview today with America 24. La Nacion reported yesterday that the AFJPs might have to dump the securities as soon as this week..."


- Taxa De Desemprego Estados Unidos
Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. companies slashed payrolls last month at the fastest pace in 34 years as the economy headed for its deepest and longest recession since World War II. Employers cut 533,000 jobs, bringing losses so far this year to 1.91 million,...

- Especulação Errada
Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Aracruz Celulose SA, the world's biggest eucalyptus-pulp maker, reached an agreement with banks to unwind 97 percent of its wrong-way currency derivatives, leading to a loss of $2.13 billion. Banks will negotiate terms to restructure...

- Economia Brasileira
"... In Brazil, the fastest economic expansion in more than a decade may end as commodity prices, the local currency and stocks plunge. JPMorgan Chase & Co and Banco BNP Paribas Brasil SA cut their growth forecast for Latin America's biggest economy...

- Entender A Origem Da Crise Financeira
"... Securitization is a shadow banking system that funds most of the world's credit cards, car purchases, leveraged buyouts and, for a while, subprime mortgages. The system, which pools loans and slices up the risk of default, made borrowing cheaper...

- Política Monetária
Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of beef, sugar and coffee, may ease bank reserve requirements for a fourth time in two weeks to free up lending for farmers, Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes said. Brazilian banks need...

