Análise monetária - nova literatura

Análise monetária - nova literatura

Adrian, Tobias / Shin Hyun Song (2010): Financial Intermediaries and Monetary Economics.
Assenmacher-Wesche / Gerlach, Stefan (2010): Monetary Policy and Financial Imbalances: Facts and Fiction. Economic Policy. seminar-schumpeter/MP_and%20Asset_prices_Sept_30.pdf
Fahr, Stefan / Motto, Roberto / Rostagno, Massimo / Smets, Frank / Tristani, Oreste: Lessons for monetary policy strategy from the recent past. Session_1_paper_Fahr_Motto_Rostagno_Smets_Tristani.pdf
Issing, Otmar (2011): Lessons for Monetary Policy. What should be Consensus? Arbeitspapier.
Schularick, Moritz / Taylor, Alan M (2009): Credit Booms Gone Bust.
Svensson, Lars (2010): Inflation Targeting.


- Estabilidade Financeira E Política Monetária
Financial Stability and Monetary Policy: How Closely Interlinked? by Frank Smets European Central Bank Abstract The recent financial crisis has again raised the question to what extent price-stability-oriented monetary policy frameworks should take...

- Simposio Em Rio Sobre O Futuro De Bancos Centrais
The Future of Central Banking: Inflation Targeting versus Financial Stability The Challenge The global financial crisis 2008-2009 led to a profound rethinking of the pre-crisis monetary policy consensus. Since the great moderation...

- Política Monetária Entre Arte E Ciência
Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XXXVII (December 1999), pp. 1661–1707 Clarida, Galí, Gertler: The Science of Monetary Policy The Science of Monetary Policy: A New Keynesian Perspective Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí, and Mark Gertler1 “Having...

- Metas Da Inflação
Inflation Targeting Hits the WallMises Daily:Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by Antony P. MuellerThe financial-market crisis is not over but has grown into a vicious sovereign-debt crisis. Nevertheless, monetary policy makers of the major economies go on...

- Milton Friedman: O Retorno Do Mestre
O que Milton Friedman (1912-2006) teria recomendado para elaboração de política monetária para a crise global de 2007-2009? Bernanke, em 2004, observou que “Friedman’s monetary framework has been so influential that, in its broad outlines at least,...

