A Maldição dos Recursos Políticos

A Maldição dos Recursos Políticos

Qual é a relação entre transferências intergovernamentais, corrupção e qualidade dos políticos? Guido Tabellini e co-autores analisam a situação de municípios brasileiros:

"The paper studies the effect of additional government revenues on political corruption and on the quality of politicians, both with theory and data. The theory is based on a version of the career concerns model of political agency with endogenous entry of political candidates. The evidence refers to municipalities in Brazil, where federal transfers to municipal governments change exogenously according to given population thresholds. We exploit a regression discontinuity design to test the implications of the theory and identify the causal effect of larger federal transfers on political corruption and the observed features of political candidates at the municipal level. In accordance with the predictions of the theory, we find that larger transfers increase political corruption and reduce the quality of candidates for mayor."


- Unidades Curriculares De Mempp:
1. Economia PolíticaProfessora Doutora Linda Veiga Email [email protected] Extensão Telefónica 604568 Gabinete 2.36 da EEG Horário de Atendimento Por marcação Link Pessoal http://www.eeg.uminho.pt/economia/linda Professor Doutor Francisco Veiga...

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