A copa - um projeto errado

A copa - um projeto errado

The World Cup matters, but Brazil is the last place in the world that should host it.

Brazilians can blame it on FIFA all they want, but it’s really Brazil’s own fault.

  • Marcos Carvalho in ESPN FC World Cup Stories
Governments bid for hosting the World Cup, not countries. Brazilians are going to be saddled with more debt, and with white elephant stadiums like the ones in Manaus and Brasilia which will collect cobwebs for years to come after the tournament is over. And here is the cherry on top. This World Cup has already cost more than the past three World Cups put together, and the money continues to be spent. That’s South Africa+Germany+South Korea/Japan>Brazil in terms of cost. And where is all that money? It’s certainly not invested in Brazil’s shoddy airports or non-existing (but promised) railways. It’s not being invested in the stadiums either, those are all late, including the one that recently collapsed and killing a worker. All this money is going to line the pockets of the ruling party, who will use to keep itself in power for generations and generations to come.


- The New Yorker - Dilma Rousseff.
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