
Boa discussão

Lá no Southern Exposure onde sou colunista, o Mike Derham colocou um polêmico e interessante tema para discussão. Sugiro, fortemente, que leiam. Comentários, lá, são mais que bem-vindos.

Aí vai o link, com um trecho pequeno:

Following on Bush's brief foray into immigration politics, Samuel Huntington (of "Clash of Civilizations" fame) has unleashed a corker of an article in next month's Foreign Policy magazine. Arguing that the challenge posed by hispanic immigration to the US will undermine "the Anglo-Protestant values that built the American dream," the chattering classes in the United States will be talking about this one for a while.

A quick read of the article reveals how much of a retread of previous "nativist" arguments Huntington's diatribe is. One can easily substitute "chinese," "irish," "catholic," or "eastern european" for "hispanic" in whole paragraphs of the article and have it become an argument from anytime in the past 150 years.


- Huntington 1927-2008 + Guerra Santa Sem Fim
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