

É o Linux ilegalmente criado? Ou não?

Wired News: Linux: Whose Kernel Is It?: "Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux open source operating system, has proposed changes to the Linux kernel development process which he and other developers hope will make it easier to answer any questions about the origin and ownership of Linux source code.

The need to carefully document the development process comes in part from recent legal actions by the SCO Group, which claims that SCO-owned programming code taken from the Unix System V was incorporated illegally into Linux. SCO brought a multibillion dollar suit against IBM last year, alleging that IBM violated its Unix licensing agreement with SCO by transferring copyright protected Unix code to the Linux operating system."


Linux: um Frankenstein? Aí vai mais uma sobre o tal "software livre". Wired 12.07: The Linux Killer...

Iraque, open source...e tudo o mais Wired News: Slow Going for Linux in Iraq Trecho:As Iraq emerges from years of stagnation wrought by a closed political system and tough sanctions from other countries, Iraqi interest in computing technology is...

Em homenagem ao Penna-man Este aí vai pro Penna, meu aluno e frequente comentarista do blog. Economy Archives - Why Linux Is Wealthier Than Microsoft by Russell Roberts...

Isso é interessante Pode um sujeito trabalhando com open source, de forma absolutamente aleatória, chegar a um visual igual ao do maior concorrente privado? Isto é engraçado, principalmente para os mais fanáticos defensores do Linux. Leia toda...

Open Source...mesmo? Siga o trecho abaixo para mais uma discussão sobre direitos de propriedade. TCS: Tech - Is the Penguin Contaminated? Open-source proponents claim that their products, like Linux, are more flexible and less "buggy" than proprietary...

