
Substituto ou complementar de uma boa cerveja?

Para mim, decididamente, um substituto. Clique no trecho para ler a pequena matéria.

Trecho: WASHINGTON : A Greensboro, North Carolina, company is selling what it calls a "low-calorie, low-carbohydrate way to consume alcohol" that allows a person to consume spirits and truthfully say he has not been drinking.

Alcohol Without Liquid - AWOL - is a bulky, costly machine that vaporises a mixture of liquor and oxygen and pumps it through a tube to a hand-held medical-style inhaler which the user puts in his or her mouth and breaths in a mist of scotch, vodka, or any other type of hard liquor.

"Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the lungs rather than the stomach, making AWOL low calorie and low carbohydrate," explained Kevin Morse, president of Spirit Partners, Inc., the US manufacturer-distributor.

"The resulting feeling is the same sense of well being an adult gets from consuming alcohol in the traditional manner, only milder," he said.

If your intention is to get drunk fast, AWOL will slow you way down. It takes about 20 minutes to inhale the equivalent of one shot of alcohol, said company officials.


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