

Você, estudante, que fez vestibular, está na universidade, e realmente usa o inglês com desenvoltura, deveria considerar o prêmio cujo "edital" reproduzo abaixo.

Nada como a informalidade dos americanos, bem menos burocrática que o nosso modo latino de ser. Mas, sou brasileiro, não desisto, quero mostrar ao mundo como nossa burocracia é melhor....:).

Top Essays To Be Awarded $2,500 (Students) or
$10,000 (Untenured Faculty)

The Independent Institute is pleased to announce
the 2005 Olive W. Garvey Fellowship Competition.
Cash prizes will be awarded to outstanding
college students -- and untenured "junior"
faculty -- from around the world through a
competitive essay contest. Held biennially, the
Garvey Fellowship is intended to encourage and
reward scholarship pertaining to the meaning and
significance of economic and personal liberties.
The specific essay topic changes with each

This essay topic for 2004-2005 is taken from a
quotation by Nobel-laureate economist and social
philosopher Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992): "The
great aim of the struggle for liberty has been
equality before the law."

A panel of three judges will look for the best
essays related to Hayek's quotation -- original
essays distinguished by their clarity, rigor, and
eloquence. The essays need not be technical or
demonstrate hyper-specialized scholarship,
although they should be serious in content, tone,
and style.

Founded in 1974, the Garvey Fellowship has
attracted thousands of young scholars, many of
whom have subsequently become noted academicians,
journalists, and business leaders. Beginning in
2003, the Garvey Fellowships also offers awards
in a separate category for junior faculty members

STUDENT DIVISION: College students up to the age of 35:
First Prize: $2,500
Second Prize: $1,500
Third prize: $1,000

FACULTY DIVISION: Junior faculty members up to
the age of 35 and not yet tenured:
First Prize: $10,000
Second Prize: $5,000
Third Prize: $1,500

ELIGIBILITY: 1) Student Division: Any student 35
years or younger enrolled at a recognized college
or university anywhere in the world. 2) Junior
Faculty Division: Untenured college or university
teachers, Assistant Professor or higher, 35 years
or younger.

LENGTH (double-spaced typescript): Student essays
must not exceed 3,000 words. Teacher essays must
be 5,000 to 8,000 words long.

DEADLINE: May 1, 2005

For more information, including eligibility
requirements, a suggested reading list and
examples of past winning essays, see

For more on Friedrich A. Hayek, see:

"Hayek's Road Comes to an End," by Julian L. Simon (4/13/92)

"Friedrich Hayek and the Future of Liberty," an
Independent Policy Forum transcript featuring
Alan Ebenstein and Charles Baird (5/16/01)

Norman Barry's review of HAYEK'S POLITICAL
ECONOMY: The Socio-Economics of Order, by Steve
Fleetwood (THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW, Fall 1997)

"Does Hayek Speak to Asia?" by Chandran Kukathas


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