
Como vencer a OPEP sem o recurso aos militares

Segundo esta notícia, isto é perfeitamente factível. Por isso pacifistas deveriam ser pró-mercado.

Trechos: Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) Monday released Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovation for Profits, Jobs, and Security, a Pentagon-cofunded blueprint for making the United States oil-free. The plan outlines how American industry can restore competitiveness and boost profits by mobilizing modern technologies and smart business strategies to displace oil more cheaply than buying it.
Winning the Oil Endgame proves that at an average cost of $12 per barrel (in 2000 dollars), the United States can save half its oil usage through efficiency, then substitute competitive biofuels and saved natural gas for the rest - all this without taxation or new federal regulation.

"Unlike previous proposals to force oil savings through government policy, our proposed transition beyond oil is led by business for profit," said RMI CEO Amory Lovins.

E aí? Vai correndo fazer sua camisa "anti-che guevara" antes que os militares invadam a Venezuela. :D


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