
Voto negativo

George C. Leef, no site da The Future of Freedom Foundation, faz uma proposta interessante (A Modest Proposal ): o voto negativo.

Voters should be allowed to cast either positive or negative votes. A negative vote subtracts from a candidate’s positive vote total. For each office, the voter could choose to either vote for a candidate or against a candidate. (“Against” votes might be printed in red ink, and people would have to be informed that they can only vote once for each office. At first, there would probably be some mistakes, but it would be worth it.) For each candidate, a net support total would be calculated by subtracting the “Against” votes from the “For” votes. The winner would be the candidate with the highest amount of net support.

Consequências (segundo o autor): 1. Possível aumento da participação nas eleições (o benefício líquido de votar negativamente aumenta?); 2. Possível aumento da competitividade política (pois a regra proposta leva a alguém que tenha 900 votos positivos contra 1 negativo a ganhar de um concorrente que tenha 1000 votos positivos e 999 votos negativos).

Parece uma idéia interessante. Mas será que o autor tem razão para tanto otimismo?


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